In the heart of central Calgary lies the neighborhood of Inglewood which has become a well-renowned area for foodies and fans of the arts. Originally built around Calgary’s old main street, what is now 9th Avenue, the neighborhood of Inglewood has seen it go from quaint residential community of decades past to being a hub for the arts and culture scene. The community has the unique claim of being Calgary’s oldest neighborhood. Inglewood is found immediately across from the Bow River and accompanies a wide range of amenities that has attracted many residents to the area. Though it is largely seen as a shopping and arts district, Inglewood maintains an urban wildlife refuge in the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. The community currently boasts a population of approximately 3,500 residents and is among the more popular areas of the city.

Public school students of Inglewood attend Colonel Walker Elementary, Rideau Park junior high, and Western Canada Senior High School. Meanwhile, Catholic school students attend the nearby St. Monica Elementary and Junior High before graduating to St. Mary’s Senior High School.

Inglewood boasts several unique amenities including the Inglewood Aquatic Centre where the whole family can come and enjoy swimming in a 25-meter salt water swimming pool. There are a number of tourist attractions here including Fort Calgary Historic Park, the Calgary Zoo, and the historic Deane House. Nature enthusiasts are invited to explore the Bow River pathway which hugs the north boundary of Inglewood.

With over 100 boutiques, shops, and eateries, Inglewood is seen as the arts and culture hub of Calgary. There are a number of live music venues, regularly populated every week with Calgary’s finest across all genres of music. The one-day festival, Sunfest, is held every year within the borders of Inglewood and attracts more than 30,000 people to the area. There are several similar art exhibits, music acts, and different arts & culture performances staged year-round in Inglewood.

Calgary Transit has over a dozen stops that line the streets of Inglewood to give residents the chance to visit other areas of Calgary at an affordable rate.

Inglewood is well-known for its art, culture, music, shops, boutiques, and the handful of nature reserves that surround it. In addition, 9th Avenue grants a driver a direct route to downtown Calgary, the Deerfoot Trail, and 17th Avenue – all easily accessible with minutes. The residential community that combines with the arts and culture theme of the neighborhood has brought an interesting breed into Inglewood. The quintessential urban village, Inglewood is easily recommendable to those that want to immerse themselves in the more artful side of Calgary.